Aleksey Pesoshin at a forum "Productivity 360": We made use of the saved up experience in the labor productivity sphere that allowed to appear in leaders

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Republic of Tatarstan always aspires to high rates in all branches and therefore became the leading region on implementation of the national project "Labour productivity". It allowed the region to receive the fifth anniversary forum in 2023. The Prime minister reported Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin, taking part in plenary session "Economical technologies – an economic trend" within the V federal forum "Productivity 360". Forum "Productivity 360" - the main action of the country for economical production. Action takes place on an IT park platform of B. Rameev in...
Murat Kerefov
Last position: First Deputy Prime Minister (Government of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic)
Igor Moskovtsev
Last position: CEO (CJSC "KMKK")
Aleksey Pesoshin
Last position: Prime minister (Government of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Alexander Kobenko
Last position: Executive director (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NIK")
Solomon Nicholas
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles