United Kingdom removed sanctions about Oleg Tinkov

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They were entered in March, 2022 United Kingdom removed sanctions from the founder of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" Oleg Tinkov, follows from the document MINISTRY OF FINANCE the countries. In the document it is specified that Oleg Tinkov was removed from the list of the persons subjected to sanctions from outside United Kingdom and therefore its assets cannot be frozen any more or be under restrictions. In March, 2022 Oleg Tinkov got under sanctions United Kingdom. Then restrictions were entered concerning chapter Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" Herman Gref, the first deputy chairman of the board banks Alexander Aleksandrovich Vedyakhin, the former deputy chairman Leo Khasis, the businessman Eugenie Markovich Shvidler...
Oleg Tinkov
Main activity:Businessman
Herman Gref
Last position: President, Chairman of the board (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Vladimir Potanin
Last position: President, chairman of the board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MMC "NORILSK NICKEL")
Dmitry Peskov
Last position: Deputy head, Russian President's Press Secretary (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Leo Khasis
Main activity:Official