The ill fate took away one more victim from structure of actors of series "Streets of the Broken Lamps"

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It became known of death of one more actor from series "Streets of the Broken Lamps" — Orlovsky Alexander. He not the first who took part in shootings of a tape and died. There is an impression that the movie is pursued by ill fate. Since the beginning of start of series more than 30 people died. Mystical regularity started being traced in 2006 when "Bison" the actor Andrey Ivanovich Krasko died played Gena Gazonsky's bit part by nickname. It left their lives at the age of 48 years from heart failure. In the 2010th death overtook two more actors – Dyukov Vladimir - the Samara and Bendersky Wladyslaw...
Orlovsky Alexander
Dyukov Vladimir
Bendersky Wladyslaw