To Vologda Region enlarged meeting of UMVD board Russian Federation on the region with participation of the chief of UOD Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the police major general Sergei Manakhov] took plac

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Today the chief of Managements on the organization of inquiry Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the police major general Sergei Manakhov took part in work of enlarged meeting of board of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Vologda region. On board there was the first deputy governor Vologda Region Edouard Zaynak, the chairman Regional court of the Vologda region Trofimov Igor, heads of supervisory authorities, law-enforcement departments, the chairman of Public council at Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Vologda region Yevseeva Julia, and also chiefs of divisions of Managements and territorial law-enforcement bodies. In the report...