"Dexter's" director and "Confidential materials" died after fight against a cancer

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At the age of 75 years the American director Liberman Robert who worked over episodes of popular series "Dexter" and "Confidential Materials" died. As reports edition about events from the world of cinema "The Hollywood Reporter", the cinematographer died still on July 1, however it became known of it just now. The son Liberman Nikita with whom they together worked over the theatrical performance "Searchlight of Pikchers". Liberman Nikita created television rollers for such companies as McDonald's COR, Hallmark and Oreo, and worked with many popular persons — from the president Clinton, Rey Charles and Jerry Lewis to...
Anne Zhaklin Kheteuey
Last position: Actress, singer
Jerry Lewis
Last position: Party member (Republican Party United States of America America)
Main activity:Production of food