Scientific and practical expedition

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From July 10 to July 19 the dean of faculty of BIVM Zaytsev V. V. both the associate professor "The bioecology and physiology of agricultural animals" Zaytsev L. M. took part in scientific and practical livestock expedition which took place in Kyrgyziya's republic. 3 Russian higher education institutions took part in expedition – Timiryazevsky agricultural academy (Moscow), РУДН; РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; ФГАОУ ВО "РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМЕНИ ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ" (Moscow) and the Samara GAU (Samara), and also Osh state university (Osh), Самаркандский state university veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and biotechnologies (Samarskand), Kyrgyz-Turkish...