Osh Country: KyrgyzstanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAccording to the signed agreements on 13 million euros the perinatal hospital to Osh, on 6 million euros perinatal hospital in Talas will be constructed. 2 million euros to the Bishkek perinatal hospital under construction are also in addition allocatedAccording to the signed agreements on 13 million euros the perinatal hospital to Osh, on 6 million euros perinatal hospital in Talas will be constructed. 2 million euros to the Bishkek perinatal hospital under construction are also in addition allocated4/18/2019Baktygul ZheenbaevaIn Bishkek the other day we put a capsule of new hospital. Same started building in the city of Osh. Works are conducted in seven areas. We will surely provide all medical institutions it is necessary equipment7/28/2020Kubatbek Ayylchievich BoronovAccording to the signed agreements on 13 million euros the perinatal hospital to Osh, on 6 million euros perinatal hospital in Talas will be constructed. 2 million euros to the Bishkek perinatal hospital under construction are also in addition allocatedAccording to the signed agreements on 13 million euros the perinatal hospital to Osh, on 6 million euros perinatal hospital in Talas will be constructed. 2 million euros to the Bishkek perinatal hospital under construction are also in addition allocated4/18/2019Baktygul ZheenbaevaIn Bishkek the other day we put a capsule of new hospital. Same started building in the city of Osh. Works are conducted in seven areas. We will surely provide all medical institutions it is necessary equipment7/28/2020Kubatbek Ayylchievich BoronovAccording to the signed agreements on 13 million euros the perinatal hospital to Osh, on 6 million euros perinatal hospital in Talas will be constructed. 2 million euros to the Bishkek perinatal hospital under construction are also in addition allocatedAccording to the signed agreements on 13 million euros the perinatal hospital to Osh, on 6 million euros perinatal hospital in Talas will be constructed. 2 million euros to the Bishkek perinatal hospital under construction are also in addition allocated4/18/2019Baktygul Zheenbaeva1211Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low149years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 187612:51:54 AMGMT+6996 3222Dialing code273Connections+10 last weekPopulation243 300NewsConnections Tree
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