The Polytechnic University became the cofounder of the "Green" union of ATU Russian Federation and China

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Peter the Great's FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO became the cofounder of the Academic union of "green" developments ATU Russian Federation and China. Procedure of establishment took place on June 30, 2023 in Tsingtao (Shandu province, China) on a platform the Chinese oil universities. The ATURK "green" union is the non-profit nonlegal organization created on a voluntary basis by universities — participants of ATU Russian Federation and China. Together with FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO cofounders acted 9 more Russian and 10 Chinese universities...