In IFKIS the ceremony of delivery of diplomas to graduates] took plac

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On July 11 students of a bachelor degree and a magistracy Institutes physical culture and sport gained diplomas about the end of study, 12 of which - with honors. The director physical culture and sport Vodolagin I. Yu. reminded Institutes to graduates as student's years flew by and wished a kind way to professions: "Someone went very long by this day, for someone these years flew by, as one instant. I hope, this time was not for you in vain. Let those achievements for which you spent the forces and nerves, will help you with the future to build the life and to make it such what you for yourselves it see. In total...
Oleg Yefimov
Last position: Director of management of development of business of JSC Multikarta
Vodolagin I. Yu.
Lukyanov S. V.
Korolev B. I.