50 main fighters in the history of a cinema. List

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Journalists of the Varietyvybrali edition the best pictures in this genre — from started franchize "Indiana Jones" of the movie under the heading "In search of the Lost Ark" to fresh "the Top Gunn: Meverik" with Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV. Thus in the list there is no project of the film Universe of Marvel — because as a result movies appeared "a little beyond the scope of a genre". "Having studied the list, you learn something how this form over the years developed. Arnold, Slay and Bruce (as Marvin Li, and Walter Bruce Willis) left the trace. But Carlos Ray Norris and Reynolds Bert eclipsed them as each movie from this list had to sustain...
James Frensis Kemeron
Last position: Film director, film producer, screenwriter
Russell Ira Krou
Last position: Actor, film director, film producer
Ridli Scott
Last position: Film director, film producer
Joaquin Raphael Phoenix
Last position: Actor, musician, producer
Klinton Istvud (Klint Istvud)
Last position: Actor, film director, film producer, composer