Travel to Victor Shkurenko: as I visited an Omsk office party for 2,5 thousand employees for 20 million rubles

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The office party for employees of LLC "Trading house "Shkurenko" was appointed at 19:00. Approximately for an hour and a half before heavy rain fell upon Omsk which, appear, never will end. But would be naive to believe that because of weather a holiday for which prepare at least for half a year, will cancel or will transfer. Especially as more than 20 million rubles were enclosed in it. For such money organizers even could dare to pay service for dispersal of clouds. Guests asked to put on in suits of heroes from the Soviet animated films. It was presented, as in the territory of paintball club wet the been dripping hares, wolves...
Victor Shkurenko
Last position: Director (LLC "Trading house "Shkurenko")
Azamat Musagaliev
Last position: The leader of an entertaining show on TNT "Where logic?" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TNT-TELESET")
Latypova Helena