Ufa residents transferred for half a year to swindlers more than 600 million rubles

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Ufa residents transferred for half a year to swindlers more than 600 million rubles. The Mayor reported Ufa. Today, on July 15, Ratmir Rafilovich Mavliev together with the deputy of MVD po RB the police major general Sayfullin Arthur and the chief of UMVD Russian Federation across Ufa Vitaly Dudko discussed the plan of further work for prevention cybercrime. "Unfortunately, many our inhabitants suffered and suffer from frauds with use of information and telecommunication technologies. Each time swindlers become more and more inventive, thinking out new schemes and methods. And it is necessary for us...
Ratmir Mavliev
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Vitaly Dudko
Last position: Chief (Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Ufa city)
Sayfullin Arthur
Government Agency