Oleg Nikolaevich Taktarov – about a victory on UFC 6: "Big pleasure did not receive. All climbed in a chamber, and then also stole an olympic sweatshirt with Reebok trousers"

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The ex-champion of UFC Oleg Nikolaevich Taktarov shared memories of a victory on Number UFC tournament 6. "I was going to get up as forces still remained, but on me naprygnul with congratulations Kenneth Wayne Kilpatrik. He told me to lie, turned sideways and covered. I, of course, understood that would be quite good to accompany. Then me put on a mask with the pressed valve, I did not die nearly in it and asked to remove, but still plainly did not speak English. All needed to be in a chamber, I did not know that this really abrupt world show. For many it was important to be lit at least for a second. All stuck round me: Mezger Gay, in which hall...