Victor Shkurenko in Carlson, "Kamyzyaki's" image and residents of Omsk in a separation: as passed a large-scale office party of the known Omsk businessman
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Every year the known Omsk businessman Victor Shkurenko suits for the employees a big office party with participation of the invited stars (the period lokdauna because of a pandemic Koronavirus became an exception only). Fun passes in the closed mode, however never remains unnoticed, after all before guests of a holiday celebrities — speak on behalf of group "Yvan Urgant as International" to the showman Yvan Urgant, and to qualities of an entertainment to them give various viands, sometimes the very unusual — like shish kebabs from snakes. Before action the staff of companies Victor Shkurenko makes mad suits, competing...
Yvan Urgant
Main activity:Journalist
Aleksey Serebryakov
Last position: Actor
Alexander Gudkov
Last position: Leader of the comic show "Fight with Gyorls" (LLC "Television broadcasting company Pyatnitsa")
Vladimir Solovyev
Last position: The host "Evening with Vladimir Solovyyov" on Russia-1 TV channel (VGTRK)