A holiday of a family, love and fidelity - a reason for celebration of the most worthy

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On July 8, 2023, Day of a family, love and fidelity, for regional women's councils Republic of Mordovia - an occasion to present to fellow countrymen a holiday and to note the most worthy families. In the village of Paracinema of the Bolshebereznikovsky municipal area with support of women's council the holiday of family leisure "Asho lisma" ("A white spring") took place. At a spring participants of action made digression to the past, having learned that once people came to this place to ask spirits about something for a community, a family or personally for themselves. In this picturesque place everything was organized that is necessary for interesting and various leisure: game zone, nursery...
Andrey Chatkin
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Kadoshkinsk of the Republic of Mordovia)
Alekseevich Petr
Zeleneeva Tatyana
Pugacheva Tatyana