In Rostov-on-Don discussed questions activity lawyer chambers of new subjects Russian Federation

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On July 14 in RO lawyer chamber with participation of representatives of Federal chamber of lawyers of Russian Federation" the working meeting with presidents of AP of Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic is held, Zaporizhia Oblast As were reported to the press service of Federal chamber of lawyers of Russian Federation" by the first vice-president of Federal chamber of lawyers of Russian Federation" Mikhail Nikolaevich Tolcheev, participating in meeting, questions activity lawyer chambers of new subjects Russian Federation were discussed, namely: the organizations of reception of a qualification examination on acquisition of the status of the lawyer, disciplinary practice, participation of lawyers in protection to destination and compensations of lawyers for rendering the legal aids as Art. 51 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, and also questions of providing chambers...