The Photostand of the lost volunteers in war to Abkhazia movements of mothers discovered at the Sukhumi office "Abkhazia for the world and social justice"

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Action was visited the deputy of chapter of City administration Sukhumi Kvarchiya Leon, by ambassadors South Ossetia and Transnistria to Abkhazia Botsiev Oleg and Gary Kupalba, swear at the lost soldiers, veterans of OV ON Abkhazia and from North Caucasus, the public. White cloth volunteers, veterans of war removed Abkhazia Abaev Aslan and the gentleman of an award of Kvarchiya Leon, the chairman of Association of volunteers from Chechen Republic Kerimov Vakhid. As the chairman city "Told movements of mothers for the world and social justice" Chamagua Firuza - Kapba, at office photostands of the lost soldiers of sukhumets, and also victims are already open...