The national actor Russian Federation Anatoly Ivanovich Gladnev] die

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The national actor Russian Federation, the actor Voronezhskogo the academic theaters dramas of A. Koltsov Anatoly Ivanovich Gladnev died on July 12 at the age of 83 years. Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" About death of the actor write "Arguments and the Facts" with reference to the message the Voronezh academic theaters dramas of A. Koltsov. Anatoly Ivanovich Gladnev was born on October 16, 1939 in Voronezh. Even before the termination of the Voronezh branch the Leningrad state institutes theaters, music and cinema (LGITMIK) it was accepted in theater troupe dramas of A. Koltsov where served nearly 60 years. Since 1964 the actor played more than hundred roles, including in the performances "Run" and...