"The state house" is cancelled

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Gain full development the child can only in a family the All-Russian congress of heads of the organizations for orphan children and children without parental support, brought together in Ufa more than 250 participants practically from all regions of the country. The organized MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA within Year of the teacher and the mentor, the forum allowed to discuss the most important problems of this sphere. The special emphasis was placed on training of children for independent life and post-residential escort of graduates. — The congress purpose — to share practices in the field of prevention of a social orphanhood. Such experience...
Lenara Ivanova
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Lilia Gumerova
Last position: Chairman (Committee Federation Council on science, education and culture)
Olga Malygina
Main activity:Official
Larissa Falkovskaya
Last position: The director of the department of state policy in the field of protection of the rights of children (MINPROSVESHCHENIYA RUSSIA)
Akhmetshin Flyus