Leasing the staked

@Golosa gorodov
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As newspaper "Kommersant", in the leasing companies PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY" became known to JSC IFC, engaged in restoration and deliveries of the Tu-204/214 and "Il" planes, the management was replaced. The place Sergei Turkin will be occupied by Podkhvatilin Mikhail, general director LLC "VSP-Lizing", beneficiary which is the member boards of directors OAK and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RED VINGS" (the IFC belongs) Aleshin Boris. Shift happened against refusal of IFC of transfer two Il-96 in airline of LLC "AK EyrBridzhKargo" Aleksey Ivanovich Isaykin, already paid for them insurance deposits. By data newspaper "Kommersant", will transfer planes in belonging to mister...
Sergei Turkin
Last position: CEO (JSC "IFK")
Aleksey Ivanovich Isaykin
Last position: President of Volga-Dnepr Group of companies
Podkhvatilin Mikhail
Aleshin Boris
Main activity:Wholesale trade
LLC "VSP-Lizing"