The football player Khesus Manoel Medina Maldonado passed from TSSKA into "Spartak"
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The Paraguayan halfback Khesus Manoel Medina Maldonado passed from the Moscow TSSKA into "Spartak". About it it is reported in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel red-blue. The football player thanked fans for support and declared that spent a fine season to TSSKA. He emphasized that for him time of changes in this connection he appealed to the management of club came to release it. Contract Khesus Manoel Medina Maldonado with "Spartak" is calculated till 2026. Khesus Manoel Medina Maldonado in "Spartak" became known of possible transition on July 7. Then it was reported that the amount of transaction will make 7,5 million euros. Khesus Manoel Medina Maldonado passed into TSSKA in January, 2022 from American...
Khesus Manoel Medina Maldonado
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PFK TSSKA")
Breshchanov Edgar