Video. Alexander Aleksandrovich Usik and Dyubua Danielle carried out fight of views before title fight

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Subscribe for sports news Kazakhstan and the world of website "Instagram" by .com/prosports_kz the Owner of titles of World boxing association Super, IBF and World boxing institution in a super heavyweight the Ukrainian Alexander Aleksandrovich Usik and the British Dyubua Danielle for the first time carried out duel of views before a duel which will take place on August 26 in Wroclaw (Poland), transfers. 36-year-old Alexander Aleksandrovich Usik acts in professional boxing since 2013. During this time it carried out 20 fights, having won each of them. 13 victories were got by a knockout. In the last fight Alexander Aleksandrovich Usik met the British Anthony Joshua. It was their revenge. The duel took place on the night of August 21 Moscow time and lasted...
Alexander Aleksandrovich Usik
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Anthony Joshua
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Kevin Lerena
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing
Dyubua Danielle