The national actor Russian Federation Victor Aleksandrovich Pikayzen] die

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Victor Aleksandrovich Pikayzen was born in Kiev. It started being trained in game on a violin since five years. Studied at Musical school at National musical academy Ukraine named after P. I. Chaykovskogo, in 1941-1944 - at evacuation in Almaty, then - at the Moscow average special musical school a name Gnesinykh in a class Oystrakh Davide. At Oystrakh Davide Victor Aleksandrovich Pikayzen was trained and in Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name, in the 1960th ended postgraduate study. Victor Aleksandrovich Pikayzen - the only pupil Oystrakh Davide who was trained from schools until the end of postgraduate study. With the beginning of the 60th conducted active concert activity. The musician - one of the few who executed 78 times everything kaprisy Paganini on...