The young Tuva fighter Saryglar Chingis won gold of the Championship Europe

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On July 8 on superiority Europe in Kaposvar (Hungary) free-style wrestling competitions came to the end with U-15. The Russian athletes acting under an abbreviation of AIN, won 11 medals - nine gold, one silver and one bronze. Among winners of the championship the pupil of SShOR of Choygan Mongush, Tyva Republic) - Saryglar Chingis. In final fight in weight category to 41 kg it overcame the athlete from Georgia Temuri Tuturashvili. Saryglar Chingis and his trainer Mengi Mongush were congratulated on the page in social network "VKontakte" Chapter of Tyva Republic by Wladyslaw Khovalyg...
Wladyslaw Khovalyg
Last position: Head-chairman (Government of the Tyva Republic)
Choygan Mongush
Main activity:Official
Sholban Kara-ool
Main activity:Politician
Armen Papikyan
Last position: Permanent representative of the Republic of Armenia to the international organizations in Vienna
Saryglar Chingis