"Pinski the highway" united more than one hundred athletes. Photo report

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In Pinsk the next stage of republican track and field athletics run took place. He received the name "Pinski Highway". The executive committee supported the offer of the Belarusian Athletic Federation to carry out one of competitions of running league in our city. On starts there were more than hundred people different regions of the country. Constant participants of similar run seek to raise the competitive rating. Them supported and pinchuki, including representatives of the city and regional organizations ROO "White Russia". This republican CHECHENSKOYE RESPUBLIKANSKOYE BRANCH STD RF acts as one of founders of competition. By a holiday...
Stepan Rogovtsov
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Mikhnevich Natalia
Rolya Gleb
Prokhorchik Milana
Novak Nicholas
Main activity:Science and education
Athletic Federation