The prime minister of Netherlands declared desire to resign
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The prime minister of Netherlands Mark Ryutte declared that submits to the king the application on resignation the government. Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. The politician declared resignation after the governmental coalition could not after long consultations agree about measures for restriction of inflow of asylum-seekers. Earlier the minister of climate and environment United Kingdom Frank Zakaria Robin Goldsmit resigned after accused the prime minister of the country Rishi Sunak of disinterest in search of a solution of the problem of climate change. According to him, Sunak preferred...
Mark Rutte
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Kingdoms of Netherlands)
Риши Сунак
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Great Britain)
Frank Zakaria Robin Goldsmit (Zack Goldsmit)
Last position: Member of chamber (House of Lords United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)