The actress from "Lovely cheats" will marry the grandson of the oil tycoon

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Photo: [©Yekaterina / RIA Novosti news agency] As reports Chesnokova information portal "Gazeta.Ru", Ashley Victoria Benson declared the engagement, having shown a ring with a brilliant. About it subscribers on social networks, and also friends to whom the actress called by video conference recognized her. Ashley Victoria Benson is known thanks to "Lovely cheats" and "Days of our life". It appears that 33-year-old Ashley Victoria Benson at last decided to marry. As the elect it stopped on the 43-year-old grandson of the oil tycoon by the name of Marvin Davies. Brandon, future husband Ashley Victoria Benson, posted a photo on which the left hand of the actress is decorated with a ring with the quite massive in a social network...