The open lecture "Rekultivatsionny Potential of Technologies Carbon Agriculture and Reforestation" took place within consortium "Power of the Future"

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On July 6, 2023 within consortium "Power of the Future" there took place the open lecture "Rekultivatsionny Potential of Technologies Carbon Agriculture and Reforestation". In the performance the associate professor of industrial ecology RGU OF OIL AND GAS (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA; FGAOU VO "RGU NEFTI I GAZA (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA" ; GUBKIN CITY UNIVERSITY Ostakh Sergei touched upon the following subjects: – assessment of anthropogenous emissions of greenhouse gases and absorption greenhouse gases; – features of soil-protective and carbon agriculture; – nature similar (convergent) technologies; – ecologically safe soil-protective methods and biological products. The special attention was paid to the solution of problems of decrease in emissions...