Students from Republic of Khakassia became winners and prize-winners of the sixth The All-Russian Olympic Games of students "I am a professional"

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The All-Russian Olympic Games of students "I am a professional" is carried out for pupils of a bachelor degree, a specialist programme and a magistracy of the Russian higher education institutions. The project purpose — support of talented students of different specialties which will allow them to continue training in the leader higher education institution the countries or to begin career in the large companies. "I — the professional" — one of flagman projects of a presidential platform INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "ROSSIYA-STRANA VOZMOZHNOSTEY" INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "RSV" which is realized within the federal draft "Social Elevators for Everyone" of the national project "Education". In 2022/23 passed the sixth season of the Olympic Games. Participants could...