"United Russia" Party filed to the Central Electoral Commission documents for participation of candidates from the party on by-election in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

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In the fall by-election will take place in four one-mandatory districts – the Karachay-Cherkess one-mandatory district No. 16, the Simferopol district No. 19, Lipetsk the one-mandatory district No. 114 and Divnogorsk the one-mandatory district No. 56 Earlier the General council "United Russia" Party put forward on them candidates the deputy of City Council Cherkessk Uzdenov Soltan, the chairman of committee on questions of a social policy SIMFEROPOL CITY CITY COUNCIL Nesterenko Youri, the chairman Lipetsky regional COUNCIL OF DEPUTIES Dimitri Lvovich Averov and the deputy governor Krasnoyarsk Territory Yeremin Sergei. Let's remind, in Uniform voting day will pass 78 election campaigns...