The best French movies: 10 pictures from undying classics to cinema novelties

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The French movies possess a special atmosfernost and depth. They are filled with color, passions and intrigues. The best French movies were defined by a portal of IMDb, TimeOut and AlloCine. "For our darlings" (1983) What best French movies about love? IMDb and TimeOut carried movies "For Our Darlings", "Green Beam", "Spaniard", "Lost dreams" to number of the best. The director of a picture Piala Maurice acted in one of leading roles. The melodrama brought two awards César Awards. Picture rating on IMDb — 7,1. In leading roles: Bonner Sandrine ("The love is better, than life"); Oden Christophe ("The rural doctor"); Dominique...
Vincent Cassel
Last position: Actor, producer, film director, screenwriter
Catherine Deneuve
Last position: Actress and singer
Arnaud Depleshen
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer, actor
Onore de Balzak
Main activity:Cultural worker
Vensan Lakost
Last position: Actor
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