The former staff of department of police of one of republic areas will go to Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on a dock for commission of crimes with use of powers of office

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In Prosecutor's office Republic of North Ossetia–Alania the indictment on criminal case concerning 2 former employees of law-enforcement bodies is approved. Depending on a role of everyone they are accused according to the item "in" of h. 3 Art. 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (excess of powers of office with causing heavy consequences), h. 4 Art. 303 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (falsification of results operational search activity), items "and," h. 5 Art. 290 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (bribe extortion). According to the investigators, during the period till April 22, 2022 one of indicators accused for the purpose of increase office activity, found the local...