To Vladimir Region until the end of the year ahead of schedule will appear 8 rural FAPOV

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Vladimir, on July 4 - AIF-Vladimir. To Vladimir Region ahead of schedule will appear 8 rural FAPOV. About it told in the government of the 33rd region. Contracts on construction medical assistant's and obstetric points are signed on June 5. The cost of everyone exceeds 4 million rubles. "Initially objects it was planned to construct in 2024, but now works it is decided to transfer on 2023. First-aid posts will build until the end of December", - specifies Ministry zdravookhraneniya. Medical institutions will be established in villages by Patakino Arkhangel and Voynovo, and also in Novki, Mishino, Savkovo, Ilkino and Big Priklon's villages. Estimate...