International Russian-Kazakhstan symposium "Coal chemistry and ecology Kemerovo Region": day the first

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%23UglekhimiyaIEkologiyaKuzbassa Today in Kemerovo Region started the XII International Russian-Kazakhstan symposium "Coal chemistry and ecology Kemerovo Region" which is carried out by the Federal research center of coal and coal chemistry of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY with support of the Scientific and educational center independant information agency "Kuzbass" and the international ASSOCIATION "GLOBALNAYA ENERGIYA". During a symposium participants will make reports in the following key directions: structure and coal chemistry, deep processing of coal, environmental problems Kemerovo Region, carbon nanomaterials and systems on their basis, medicine and ecology of the person of coal-mining regions...