Muddy history: the actor who has worried a coma of "Destructive power" asks help counter to the communication which have deprived it to the wife
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In the summer of the 2018th series "Destructive power" to a star and the movie "The Meeting Place Can Not Be Changed" there was a tragedy. The actor Leonov Eugenie Borisovich - Gladysheva found lifeless on one of streets Saint Petersburg. Doctors diagnosed for it heavy injuries. The actor transferred a coma. Still precisely it is not clear that happened to a celebrity. The actor endured the long period of restoration. Money allocated two charitable organizations, and also actors for treatment and rehabilitation of a star Pankratov-Cherny Alexander and Mikhail Boyarsky. Later time Eugenie Borisovich Leonov-Gladyshev was gone from a radar. Friends and colleagues...
Mikhail Boyarsky
Last position: Actor
Eugenie Borisovich Leonov-Gladyshev
Last position: Actor, film director
Mark Mikhaylovich Goronok
Main activity:Cultural worker
Leonov Eugenie Borisovich
Pankratov-Cherny Alexander