Art: Found the husband in the airport, sometimes takes on shootings a bottle of vodka and dr the facts about a star of the Russian series to  Anna Popova

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The charming, beautiful and charismatic actress is known to the Russian viewer on numerous roles in series. In the 30 years  Anna Popova managed to fill up the portfolio with 60 film projects. And after all in due time parents did not want that the daughter received an actor's profession. Mother prophesied to  Anna Popova another - the fantastic future in a white ball dress in own dancing studio. And the girl was for one with parents while her "did not bring down from Shchepkintsa's way". Now once gold medallist and a star of series sometimes takes with herself a vodka bottle on shootings. And to that there are reasons. In more detail...
 Anna Popova
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Dzhordzhadze Nana
Bykhovets Catherina
Mikhaylovskaya  Anna
Tikhomirova Lyubov
Main activity:Communication and IT