The actor Boris Smolkin — about transition of the son to Georgia: it was natural desire of the boy to act

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The actor Boris Smolkin spoke transition Gleb Borisovich Smolkin, acting in a dancing duet with Diana Davis, to pass into the national team Georgia. Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" © Sysoev Grigory "It was natural desire of the 23-year-old boy to act, instead of it is simple to train to itself in a table. Therefore they train and live to United States of America. Yes, a month ago both replaced sports nationality. I will repeat, sports" — Gleb Borisovich Smolkin "" quote. In Federation of figure skating Georgia reported on June 5 that Diana Davis and Gleb Borisovich Smolkin Georgia since a season-2023/24 will support the national team. The dancing couple passed the championship Russian Federation — 2023...