In Mexico rescued 16 police officers kidnapped by bandits

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The loud history with stealing at the end of June in Mexico 16 police officers Halisko cartel came to the end safely. All guards as reports Televisa, came back home whole and safe, though strongly dehydrated. According to one of them José Khimenes Javier, they are simple "anew were born". The group of militiamen was stolen on June 27 on road, connecting the city of Okosokuatla with Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Staff of prison of Okosokuatl, and not security officers, and representatives of administrative personnel became hostages of criminals. It is remarkable that the scene of stealing was photographed by eyewitnesses...
Andres Manoel Lopes Obrador
Last position: President of Mexico (President of United Mexican States)
Khimenes Javier
Antonio Marco