The British Yeyts Adam – the winner of the first stage "Tour de France"

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on July 1, started second Gran-tur in a season on cycling on the highway among men – "Tour de France". The first stage passed to Spain – racers "reeled up" 182 km in vicinities Bilbao. The victory was won by the British Yeyts Adam from UAE Team Emirates, Simon Philip Yeyts from Jayco AlUla for four seconds, and the clubmate of the Slovene Tadey Pogachar – on 12. None of the Russian racers in "Tura" do not participate – even having the neutral status. Agency "All sports" reports results...
Tadey Pogachar
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Simon Philip Yeyts
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Michael Russell Vuds
Last position: The professional athlete on road bicycle racing
Yeyts Adam
Pino Thibaut