Experts of the sphere of the humanities and journalism will take part in a round table of the <9> RUSSIA </9> WILL not FORGET project

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On June 30 in Saint Petersburg will pass the first round table within the <9> RUSSIA WILL not FORGET project. More than 10 experts of the sphere of the humanities and journalism will discuss formation and broadcasting of historic facts in the mass agenda. At institute "the Highest school journalism and mass communications" Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University scientific and journalistic communities will meet for a raising of a subject of ethics of media communications in a context of discussion of historic facts. In the first part of action part will be taken the head of Management of the international relations of VGTRK <4> Pyotr Fedorov , by the documentary film maker, the TV reporter, the TV host Igor Prokopenko...
Pyotr Fyodorov
Last position: Journalist-foreign affairs specialist, TV host
Igor Prokopenko
Last position: Deputy CEO of TV channel for social and political and documentary broadcasting (LLC "Aktsept" (Television canal WREN OF TV))
Skvortsov Jaroslaw
Menshikov Petr
Kuznetsova Xenia