It became known who won competition the "figured" project "Poetry of Altai"

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More than 500 people participated in vote on June 27, 2023 vote of the Poetry of Altai project ended. Inhabitants participated in it Altai Territory, they gave the votes in group of club of figure skating "Siberian ice" in" VKontakte". This project in club of figure skating created for support of regional poets, readers and figure skaters. Within competitions five teams removed five videoclips on verses of the Altai authors. They were read by known inhabitants Barnaul and leaders of opinions. The Altai figure skaters and pupils of Siberian Ice club participated in shootings. In days in vote participated more...
Maria Baeva
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Tokmakova Olga
Pisarev Sergei
Strozenko Igor
Rudak Anastasia