In "Record" exhibition "A black pond opened. Out of time"

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The Nizhny Novgorod authors — representatives of Gorky underground — created a painting and graphics exposition in "Record" space. Here they were exposed in the 80th years. Artists of "A black pond" were united by the general ideas of art, rejection of canons of a socialist realism and a current to creative freedom. Vasilchenko Yakov, Galina Kakovkina, Opykhtin Nicholas, Pankova Natalia, Smetanin Nicholas, Sorokin Sergei, Urlin Gennady Urlinaialeksey Sakharov Aleksey rabotyalekseya Akilov Aleksey. The exhibition project will be open in the culture center "Record" till July 16. Entrance on an exposition...
Galina Kakovkina
Last position: Artist
Akilov Aleksey
Vasilchenko Yakov
Opykhtin Nicholas
Pankova Natalia