Theatre satires "Ivan Vasilyevich"] prepares statemen

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State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry" will open an anniversary 100-th season the play which was written 90 years ago specially for theaters, but never appeared on a scene. The director and the art director theaters Sergei Gazarov prepares statement "Ivan Vasilyevich" and plans to return it the initial meanings put by Bulgakov Mikhail. Photo: The press service Theatres Satires Written in 1935 for Theatres satires, the play "Ivan Vasilyevich" was not issued because of censorship. Despite it, the text Bulgakov Mikhail, sorted on quotes, became part of the Russian cultural code. Sergei Gazarov...
Youri Borisovich Vasilyev
Last position: CEO (LLC "Theater Yuriya Vasilyeva")
Artem Vladislavovich​ Minin
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Sergei Zemlyansky
Last position: Director-choreographer, teacher, actor
Sergei Gazarov
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky drama theater pod rukovodstvom Armena Dzhigarkhanyana")
Xenia Khudoba
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky drama theater pod rukovodstvom Armena Dzhigarkhanyana")