On June 30 in Yuryevets the XVII International Film festival "Mirror"] will ope

@MK.RU Ivanovo
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On June 30 in Yuryevets the XVII International Film festival "Mirror" will open. Guests of a festival will start gathering at 17:00 on a central square of the city where the tent with books and the souvenirs connected with a name Andrey Tarkovsky will be stretched. At 17:30 the composer and the producer Artemy Artemyev will begin the creative meeting with the audience. The meeting will take place in the Center Andrey Tarkovsky. At 18:30 celebrations will return on a central square Yuryevets where the concert of music Artemyev Edouard will begin. The symphonic orchestra OpenSoundOrchestra from Moscow will participate in a concert in expanded structure. In a concert will participate...
Artemy Artemyev
Last position: Composer, musician, producer
Artemyev Edouard
Artemyeva Catherina
Lefler Andrey
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