The bear arranged running on the center Tomsk

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The wild bear running last night across Tomsk, is neutralized. About it reported in Mayor's office goroda ". The bear constituted danger to people therefore it was quickly neutralized. Situation such rare for the city. Nevertheless, in Tomsk additional measures controls safety" are entered, – gives information agency "ITAR-TASS" words of the deputy mayor on safety and to the general questions Sergei Sladkin. As the department head hunting and fishery told information agency "Interfaks" Tomsk Region Victor Sirotin, the bear crossed Tom, got on road where he was frightened by cars, and ran towards the city. "It was the adult bear...
Sergei Sladkin
Last position: The acting as the deputy mayor on safety and the general questions (Administration of Tomsk)
Victor Sirotin
Last position: Chief (DOIRKH TO)
Mayor's office goroda
Government Agency