The best of Russians on a draft of National Hockey League sensationally became "outsider"

@RBK Sport
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Simashev Dimitri became the earliest choice on a draft of National Hockey League among the Russian defenders since 1998 Simashev Dimitri (the Photo: the press service of XK "Lokomotiv") Hockey club "Arizona Koyotis" chose the Russian 18-year-old defender Simashev Dimitri at the sixth number on a draft National Hockey League. In the history of National Hockey League only three Russian defenders chose higher — Andrey Zyuzin (2, Hockey club "San-Khose Sharks", 1996), Tverdovsky Oleg (2, "Anaheim Mayti Dax", 1994) and Vishnevsky Vitaly (5, "Anaheim", 1998). Simashev Dimitri sensationally became the first chosen Russian on a draft of National Hockey League. Experts expected that the first...