In Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Ryazan region meeting of Public council] took plac

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Meeting the chief of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Ryazan region the police major general Vladimir Alay with a welcoming speech and gratitude words to public men for a big contribution to formation opened objective public opinions about activity polices and increases of prestige of service in law-enforcement bodies. - Problems of paramount importance are development constructive cooperation with institutes civil society. We consider your wishes and offers for improvement of work of police, attentively we listen to objective criticism to the staff of bodies...
Victor Dreylikh
Last position: The deputy, the chairman of committee on ecology and environmental management, the member of the committee concerning a state system and local government (Regional Duma of Ryazan)
Vladimir Alay
Last position: Chief (Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Ryazan region)
Larina Lyubov
Pinigin Youri