Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" spent 371 million for an advertizing platform on replacement to foreign decisions

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Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" spent 371 million rubles for purchase a control share in AdTech-platform Buzzoola. Also Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" bought another company from this sphere – Segmento. Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" intends to enclose to 1 billion rubles in development an AdTech-segment to offer products on change of decisions left Russian Federation the foreign companies. For how many Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" bought Buzzoola the Company Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" opened details of acquisition of a platform Internet reklamyBuzzoola. The amount of transaction on purchase 67% of a share in companies made 371 million. Thus, all company was estimated at 553 million rubles. The transaction was carried out through "daughter" of Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" –...