In Okulovka on materials public prosecutor's checks the director of the municipal enterprise is fined for inadequate cleaning of roads from snow

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Prosecutor's office Okulovka district Novgorod region carried out an inspection of observance of the legislation in the sphere of the maintenance of roads during the winter period. It is established that in defiance of requirements of the legislation on the carriageway bridge constructions through river of Peretn located on Tsentralnaya St. and Proletarian, and also on sidewalks on K. Marx St., Sovetskaya St., Proletarskaya St., Parfyonov St., st. of N. Nikolaev are revealed formation of snow shaft. On this fact the prosecutor proceedings on an administrative offense on Art. 12.34 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences are initiated against the director of MUNICIPAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "CHISTY GOROD" (non-compliance with requirements on...