Okulovka Novgorod region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreUnexpectedly was to see such quantity of gate on the route (25) on truncated the channel, the finish was closer, than we got used to see in Okulovke. All were surprised, but it appeared very interestinglyUnexpectedly was to see such quantity of gate on the route (25) on truncated the channel, the finish was closer, than we got used to see in Okulovke. All were surprised, but it appeared very interestingly9/13/2022Mikhail KruglovFor today we provided full technical capability of connection of households of the regional center, having increased by a quarter the general extent of gas networks in the city of Okulovka12/18/2023Andrey Alekseevich BelovUnexpectedly was to see such quantity of gate on the route (25) on truncated the channel, the finish was closer, than we got used to see in Okulovke. All were surprised, but it appeared very interestinglyUnexpectedly was to see such quantity of gate on the route (25) on truncated the channel, the finish was closer, than we got used to see in Okulovke. All were surprised, but it appeared very interestingly9/13/2022Mikhail KruglovFor today we provided full technical capability of connection of households of the regional center, having increased by a quarter the general extent of gas networks in the city of Okulovka12/18/2023Andrey Alekseevich BelovUnexpectedly was to see such quantity of gate on the route (25) on truncated the channel, the finish was closer, than we got used to see in Okulovke. All were surprised, but it appeared very interestinglyUnexpectedly was to see such quantity of gate on the route (25) on truncated the channel, the finish was closer, than we got used to see in Okulovke. All were surprised, but it appeared very interestingly9/13/2022Mikhail Kruglov1228Region News+10 last weekHead of the district since 2019Aleksey Leonidovich Shitov0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2019Aleksey Leonidovich Shitov20years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 200511:58:01 AMGMT+353RUS781657Dialing code51Connections+25 last weekPopulation10 368NewsConnections Tree
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